MS Manuela Shala

Why choose the Manuela Shala Method

Discover why to choose the winning Manuela Shala Method

What makes the Manuela Shala Method so special?

The Manuela Shala method is designed around 4 key points. We like to call them 4 cardinal points. Just as in the world of orientation they are used to orientate oneself in the world, Manuela Shala's 4 cardinal points are used to achieve success and orientation in the lymphatic system. They are based on long studies and years of experience that have enabled Manuela to perfect and fine-tune a unique technique, and lock in effective results both during and after the 50-minute treatment. Manual linfordrainage, a technique so fascinating but still so little considered in the field of medicine and aesthetics, only discovered in the 1930s, could only see its development with the advent of technology and in particular with the discovery of the digital microscope. This allowed Manuela, to be able to compare herself with the best clinicians in the field and subsequently develop a technique based on the benefits not only immediate but above all long-term that made the progress of this technique effective and efficient already after a first session. Not everyone knows that the human body's lymphatic system must be treated in a targeted and zoned manner according to the patient's medical history. Manuela's technique wanted to focus and make this treatment personalised from individual to individual without standardising manoeuvres and movements, as you well know we are all different, a standard protocol like those on the market will not give effective and targeted benefits to solve subjective problems that differ from individual to individual. This is why the secret of the success of this wonderful treatment is developed by bringing changes to the organism in the medium to long term, having as its main objectives an improvement at an aesthetic level, which is undoubtedly striking, and above all pays particular attention to improving the patient's health, new lymph, increased immune defences, regularisation of the menstrual cycle, and much more. These are the basics to start with, and to turn the technique of manual draining and modelling massage on its head. To find out more and to become part of the fantastic world of Manuela Shala, do not hesitate to contact us for a training session with Manuela, where you will discover all the secrets live and be able to project yourself into the most innovative method currently available. 

Manuela Shala trainings

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How long does the training last?
Who can participate in the course?
Do you need to be a beautician?
Is the Manuela Shala method a patent?
Is the price of the treatment imposed or recommended?
Can I only do the Modelling Method course?
Can I start with method 1 (Draining)?
How long do the results of the drainage treatment last?
Can I perform massages at home?
Once formed, can I use the photographic material?
Training can be funded by government agencies
How quickly do I recover my investment?
How can I find Manuela's method in my city?
Which parts of the body are treated in Method 1?
What is the Divine Face?
How long do the results of the Modelling treatment last?
