MS Manuela Shala

Manuela Shala modeling massage

What is it about?

How many times have you looked in the mirror thinking that it would be wonderful to remove some mass from your belly and move it to your hips or vice versa? In reality you are not dreaming of something unattainable: with Manuela Shala's Modeling Massage you can reshape your body in the true sense of the word, moving fat to the "right places".

The modeling massage combined with the body draining massage was designed to shape the adipocytes and therefore reposition the fat in a controlled manner, shaping the contour of your silhouette. 

Manuela, with the manual modeling treatment, shapes your body as if it were clay, kneading, pinching and sliding on your skin: thanks to her aesthetic sense you will be able to enhance your strengths .

The treatment is completely manual and is based on techniques of touching the muscle groups, with movements that go from bottom to top, generating a real movement of the fats: the touches effectively stimulate blood and lymphatic circulation, improving the cell oxygenation . In this way the weakened areas recover tone and elasticity, the skin is brighter and the muscular system is reactivated .

The body shaping/draining massage also stimulates the metabolism and promotes weight loss: the result is a leaner and more defined silhouette. The peculiarity of this treatment is precisely that of modeling the adipocytes and ensuring that the sagging skin returns to being turgid and vigorous.


The body shaping massage is recommended on the thighs, abdomen and buttocks . It is particularly suitable for women, because it treats areas where fat is concentrated and water retention occurs due to estrogen.

Following significant weight loss or pregnancy, the body shaping massage helps regain tone and elasticity, shapes and redefines the silhouette.


The body shaping treatment lasts 50 minutes, with visible improvements from the first session.


To maintain the results obtained and have a perfect silhouette, treatments should be carried out constantly, combined with physical movement and a balanced diet.

Benefits of the treatment

The modeling massage performed in combination with the draining one allows you to obtain results never seen before. More defined shiluette, fewer love handles, modeling and movement of adipocytes, improved stretch marks, more toned and elastic skin.

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