MS Manuela Shala

Enter the therapist area

vimeo shala

Method video

Our priority is your success. After the training you will have the opportunity to access the restricted area where you will find videos of the method. You will be able to review the maneuvers and train until you become as good as hundreds of therapists already operating in the market.


Manuela Shala Products

You will have access to Manuela Shala branded products. Oils, Creams, Aftercare, Supplements. Reserved only for therapists and not free market, because for us the Brand is the priority.


Clothing and Gadgets

You will be able to purchase booth clothing and Gadgets that you can give to your clients.

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Marketing and Paper

You will have the opportunity to purchase, Advertising Totems, Billboard, Counter Displays, Price Lists, Brochures, anything that can increase visibility in your center and make the magnificent Manuela Shala world known to your clientele.