MS Manuela Shala

Manuela Shala

A dream come true.

Manuela Shala has revolutionized the world of massage with her miraculous Lymph Modeling method. Developed by fusing the most ancient massage techniques and studies on lymphatic drainage. Born and raised between Italy and Northern Europe, she began her apprenticeship, traveling and discovering the latest innovations that the world of aesthetics could offer. Even at a very young age, she had the opportunity to experiment and develop revolutionary advanced aesthetic techniques.


Experience, knowledge, study and perseverance

He has collaborated with the best international SPAs within which he has been able to cultivate his passion for the body. He has always sought ideas, techniques, studies as well as comparisons with the best holistic operators, which led her to experiment with innovative maneuvers, movements and manipulations of the body. Before coming to propose his miraculous LinfoModellante® massage “Manuela Shala Method” which offers immediate and absolutely incredible results, he wanted to go further.

Study and curiosity

Manuela undertook private medical studies realizing that the techniques of the past were no longer effective and adaptable to modern times. The old methods immediately became obsolete and no one had ever tried to experiment with immediate, effective and long-lasting solutions. By combining your experience with physiology, anatomy and lymphology you have been able to create a one-of-a-kind massage method. LinfoModellante®. An incredible instant solution that manipulates liquids and adipocytes in a single session, giving well-being and shape to the human body.

2021, everything begins and takes shape

A series of events led Manuela to start writing the magical Lymph Modeling Protocol, which could then be taught to students from all over the world and replicated to thousands of patients and clients in any sector focused on well-being and aesthetics. An immediate success, the feedback from customers begins to be wonderfully positive and in September 2021, Manuela begins her training courses, transmitting her art to thousands of future MS Therapists. Manuela Shala's dream was not simply to provide an immediate result! her greatest aspiration was to give well-being and health to the human body. In fact her motto is: I don't want to change people! I simply want to help them improve themselves and feel better about themselves and the universe.

From the dream in the drawer to global success

To date, Manuela Shala's LinfoModellante® Method is present in almost all countries of the world. Manuela carries out interactional courses in different languages. English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian, Croatian. She has trained more than 1500 therapists around the world and to date more than 1 million people have been able to experience Manuela Shala's magical method. The key to the success of this overwhelming method lies in the immediacy of the results which last over time, providing well-being, health and beauty.

Benefits of the method

Strengthening of immune defenses

By eliminating stagnation we make room for new blood rich in nutrients for a healthier and more functional body.

Awakening and increasing metabolism

A well-drained body will have better functionality as it will be free of toxic impediments and stagnation.

Effective against constipation

Targeted and designed maneuvers to support and unblock intestinal transit, making the functionality of your intestine more regular.

Noticeable increase in urinary flow

After the first session you will continue in the following days to eliminate waste and toxins through: the urinary tract, feces and sweating.

Rebalancing of the hormonal cycle

Thousands of testimonials have declared the regularization of the hormonal cycle and more... you will notice that the menstruation period will be less painful and you will feel more deflated!

Loss of sizes

We already noticed the loss of centimeters after the first session thanks to the better functioning of the body resulting in a more functional lymphatic system.

Divine Face the best 360° full facial massage

In addition to giving an incredible aesthetic appearance, the Divine Face, thanks to the strengthening of the immune system, prevents seasonal ailments, oxygenates the tissues, eliminates edema and stagnation, helps the respiratory tract, reduces bags and dark circles but above all, only with the use of hands, stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, giving firmness and firmness to the treated areas and will help you avoid annoying pinpricks.


The press talks about me

More benefits...

Minimizes white and red stretch marks

With a specifically designed protocol, combined with specific maneuvers, collagen and elastic synthesis will be stimulated, minimizing annoying stretch marks.

Eliminates the feeling of swelling in the legs and abdomen

Manuela Shala's protocol will ensure that the abdomen, legs, face and arms will have a drier, drained appearance, together with a wonderful sensation of lightness.

Fights and eliminates cellulite

Water retention, edema, orange peel skin, cellulite in all its forms (edematous, fibrous etc.) will be just a bad memory with the LinfoModellante® method

Effective on loose skin

Special and studied maneuvers will make the skin more relaxed, toned and compact, locally stimulating greater synthesis of collagen and elastin.

It acts effectively in case of abdominal diastasis

A dedicated Lymph Modeling® protocol will improve your distasis by reducing the opening of the rectus abdominis in centimetres, starting from the first session.

Ideal before and after surgery

The LinfoModellante® method will be able to support you in the post-operative period, preventing the formation of unsightly fibrosis, depressions, bumps, edema, fluid stasis that can form in the post-operative phase.


International courses

From the launch of the Method to its success, thanks to the results it has brought to thousands of people, I decided to make it accessible all over the world. To date, the Method is known throughout the world and is constantly expanding. I am immensely happy that people all over the earth can continue to benefit from this amazing method. I make use of first-rate professionals for the simultaneous translation of my courses. The interpreters follow me everywhere and I can offer a complete 360-degree educational service. In Milan (Italy) the training takes place in Italian and English, in Rome Italian and Spanish, in France, Portugal and Spain I offer the super professionalism of simultaneous interpreting in the mother tongue.

Trust certified therapists

The Manuela Shala Method is not a simple massage. It is a true Elixir of professionalism and knowledge of the human body and its lymphatic system. Each therapist certified and recognized by Manuela Shala will be able to show you the best path to obtain the best result. On my site you will only find therapists certified and recognized by Manuela Shala. Visit the area now, find your therapist and book your first session.
